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SKU 10113

Set yer’ KIDMO sails for CATCH, the land where we CATCH God’s vision to work and grow together. Join Johnny and Beachcomber Burt as they search for the hidden Treasure God has placed in each one of us. This series focuses on the beginning of the church, the importance of being plugged in and C ONNECTED to the body. The life of Paul shows us how to A CCEPT and T REASURE others, face C HALLENGES when times get tough, and H ONOR others as Jesus did. Grab your swim trunks and dive into the depths of God’s word and discover how God has designed us to be a light to the world.

Episode #1: Connect-Peter gets the church started.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

Episode #2: Accept-What was Paul’s attitude toward unchurched people?
2 Corinthians 5:17

Episode #3: Treasure-How did Paul make an impact on others?
Matthew 6:21

Episode #4: Challenge-What kept Paul going when times got tough?
Philippians 4:13

Episode #5: Honor-How did Paul care for new believers?
Matthew 12:24b

    List Price $149.00
    Your Price $49.00
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