A BLAST OF WIND FOR THE HEART AND MIND! The story of Joshua’s imaginative leadership is the backdrop for discovering the PROMISE, PROTECTION,, PATHWAY,, PICTURE, and POWER, that God provides His people. Johnny Rogers and his imaginative radio-world cast includes Walt Whippersnapper,, Orson Notsowell and even Super-U! Pat’s The Prairie Dog, returns for encore performances along with many a Wandering Israelite! Get your Jericho groove on and join in the march around the wall as we “Plug into God’s power with a shout every hour!” Just IMAGINE what God can do in our lives as we begin to see ourselves as God created us to be: STRONG AND COURAGEOUS!
Episode #1: God prepares Joshua to lead Israel into the land as he had promised. Joshua 1:5-9
Episode #2: God provides protection for the spies through a woman named Rahab. Joshua 2:2-21
Episode #3: We can help remind others to be strong and courageous. Joshua 3:5-17
Episode #4: We can remember the incredible things God does for us. Joshua 4:19-24
Episode #5: God’s power is with us wherever we go. Joshua 6:1-5