Smackdown (Easter)
Jump into the wrestling ring and get ready for the ultimate battle against Sin. It's time for a little Smackdown!
In this action-packed Easter special, we follow the journey of Los Hermaños Stinkos (the three Stinky Brothers) as they search for the mighty El Salvador in an effort to remember who they are: Luchadores for the Lord.
In Episode one, El Pollo Frito (one of the Stinky Brothers) faces the prospect of a lonely defeat at the hands of the Bunnymen. His brothers (El Leon & El Toro) have forgotten who they are and seem more interested in eating corn dogs than tagging in to help their helpless brother. El Leon and El Toro reawaken to their true calling only after mysteriously encountering the great El Salvador who reminds them of who they are, just as the bread and the cup remind us of Christ’s sacrifice, and of who we are in Him.
In Episode two, El Salvador returns to the ring to save the brothers from the powerful El Pecado. His self-sacrificing actions remind us of Jesus taking the punishment for each of us so that we might have life in Him. Jesus is the champion over sin--we just have to ask him in. In our Compass Point, heavyweight champion Neutron teaches us that there is only one way to win: We have to tag Jesus in to the wrestling ring of our lives. Jesus has already won the battle with sin!
Episode 1 • Pre-Easter: Communion - Jesus gives us a way to be friends with God. • Luke 22:14-19
Episode 2 • Easter: Growing In Jesus - God offers us forgiveness • Matthew 27:57 - 28:10