
I Can Talk to God
It's time to bow our heads, fold our hands and TALK TO GOD! In this series, Lil'K and Kai lead us in PRAYER, and prayer is talking to God ("Hellooooo GOD").
We'll learn that we can talk to God anytime, anywhere, for anything and that God likes it when we pray. Hear the story of Johnah, who talked to God from the belly of a big fish. Sing and march along on the new "TALK TO GOD" song during SONG TIME. Put on your THINKING CAP and learn God's word and join PROFESSOR SOCK in discovering exactly what we should DO with our DOODAD. It's time to tALK to God and have fun learning along with Lil'K all about prayer. Episode #1 - I can talk to God like a friend - David the shepherd 1 Samuel 17:34-37 Episode #2 - I can talk to God anywhere - Jonah in the big fish Jonah 1-2 Episode #3 - I can talk to God anytime - Daniel prays three times a day Daniel 6:1-10 Episode #4 - I can say "thank you" to God - Hannah prays for a baby 1 Samuel 1:1-20 Episode #5 - I can talk to God like Jesus did - Jesus finds a quiet spot to pray Luke 4:38-44