
I Can share

SKU 20118

God shared Jesus with us, so we can share with others!

In I CAN SHARE, Lil'K and Kai learn all about sharing. We will see how sharing helps others and teaches us to trust God. Watch how Jesus did something amazing when a little boy shared his lunch and how the widow gave all that she had. Learn how God is the greatest sharer ever - He shared His only Son with us!

Learn a new song about sharing during SONGTIME and see if the Socksatron can help PROFESSOR SOCK discover what the DOODAD has to do with our BIBLE ADVENTURE. Visit Mini Max and learn a new REMEMBER VERSE with Kai, Invite a friend and everyone gather 'round to watch I CAN SHARE

Episode #1 - I can share - Jesus feeds 5,000
John 6:1-14

Episode #2 - I can share what I have - Believers share with each other
Acts 4:32-37

Episode #3 - I can share with a happy heart - The widow's coins
Mark 12:41-44

Episode #4 - I can share and God will take care of me - The widow shares bread with Elijah
Kings 17:7-16

Episode #5 - I can share like Jesus did - Jesus and the woman at the well
John 4:7-26

    List Price $149.00
    Your Price $49.00
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