About Us

KIDMO, LLC exists to create and produce educational and entertainment properties with a biblical worldview that inspire world changers.

KIDMO’s curriculum and entertainment properties are produced through its parent company ORBIT CHURCH, the premiere provider of media-driven content to the church.

KIDMO released its first DVD series, KIDMO with JOHNNY ROGERS in 2003. It has become the fastest growing elementary age church curriculum product. This year, the company launched Lil’ K, a DVD-driven program for church preschool ministries. Host Kai and his animated friend, Lil’ K, take preschoolers on an imaginative journey of discovery as they explore the biblical lesson objective for the day.

KIDMO offers consulting services for leadership and program development through KIDMO ACCESS. Johnny Rogers and other ACCESS talent appear regularly at conferences and special events across the country. KIDMO ACCESS also offers consulting services for facility and environment design. ACCESS designers and site planners collaborate to create the ultimate KIDMO environment for children’s ministries around the country. They meet with local church leadership, sharing expertise and guiding them through the planning and design process.

KIDMO boasts an all-star cast of phenomenal talent: directors, producers, actors, screenwriters, graphic designers, animators, songwriters and musicians. These creative artists share a deep commitment to impact culture through the passionate presentation of intelligent truth. This stable of creative talent is joined by executive talent from some of the largest broadcast and media companies in the world. Together, KIDMO and ORBIT CHURCH are ushering in a new era of innovation and transformation in the Christian community by connecting world changers around the globe.



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