Leader-Q cards are designed to give your mentor-leaders a low preparation outline to lead their group time. Leaders review the card one minute a day the week prior to program and prayerfully consider the questions they will process with the children in their group. The low preparation time and ease of use is one of the strategies KIDMO employs in order to free leaders minds and heart to cultivate relationships. This relational investment will make the difference between information and transformation.


  MAP Books contain your child's Mission Action Plan for the week. Full of fun and thoughtful activities, the Map Books revisit the main points from the lesson allowing each child to apply it on a personal level. Designed for home use with a parent, these reviews help drive home the application each week. Since they are available on the CD-ROM, you'll never find yourself limited by your budget or head count. Copy-friendly or full-color, both versions are included with each week's lesson.

The prayer request cards are one of our most talked-about and transformational KIDMO accessories. These cards are designed for a small group setting with leaders handing out cards and asking their group, "How can I pray for you this week?" Leaders then take the cards home and pray for the requests and commitments throughout the week. You'll be amazed at the transformational stories that will surface as a result of your leaders investing their time and attention during the week.


Need more? No worries. Even though the KIDMO program is designed to run a complete and seamless program hour, we understand some ministries need more program time. The extended lesson plans are designed to complement a more traditional classroom experience. Extended lesson plans allow teachers to creatively revisit the Bible story featured in the teaching video, provide teaching opportunities in addition to the Leader-Q card, and give kids further exploration of the day's application.



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